Laclau, Ernesto: „Politics and the Limits of Modernity.“ In: Universal Abandon? The Politics of Postmodernism, Social Text, 1989 Vol. 21, 63-82, hier 81.
„The relationship between a foundation and what it founds is quite different from a symbolic representation and that which is symbolized. In foundational logic there is a necessary, determining relation between the founding agency and the founded entity; in symbolic representation, on the other hand, no such internal motivation exists and the chain of equivalent signifieds can be extended indefinitely. The former is a relation of delimitation and determination, i.e., fixation. The latter is an open-ended horizon.
It is the contraposition between foundation and horizon that I think enables us to understand the change in the ontological status of emancipatory discourses and, in general, of metanarratives, in the transition from modernity to postmodernity. A formation that is unified or totalized in relation to a horizon is a formation without foundation; it constitutes itself as a unity only as it delimits itself from that which it negates. The discourses of equality and rights, for example, need not rely on a common human essence as their foundation; it suffices to posit an egalitarian logic whose limits of operation are given by the concrete argumentative practices existing in a society. A horizon, then, is an empty locus, a point in which society symbolizes its very groundlessness, in which concrete argumentative practices operate over a backdrop of radical freedom, of radical contingency.“
Butler, Judith/Laclau, Ernesto/Žižek, Slavoj: Kontingnez, Hegemonie, Universalität. Aktuelle Dialoge zur Linken. Hrsg. von Gerald Posselt und Sergei Seitz. Wien/Berlin: Turia + Kant 2013, 235.
„Mit Erstaunen lernen wir aus Butlers weiter oben zitierter Textstelle, dass es sich bei Sprache um etwas Vorsoziales handelt. Inwiefern ist sie vorsozial? Ist sie ein Geschenk des Himmels?“
Laclau, Ernesto: Emanzipation und Differenz, übers. von Oliver Marchart. Wien/Berlin: Turia + Kant 2013, 55.
"Das Universelle besitzt – wie wir gesehen haben – keinen konkreten Inhalt für sich selbst (welcher er in sich abschließen würde), sondern ist der immer zurückweichende Horizont, der aus der Ausweitung einer unbegrenzten Kette äquivalentieller Forderungen besteht.“
Laclau, Ernesto: „Politics and the Limits of Modernity.“ In: Universal Abandon? The Politics of Postmodernism, Social Text, 1989 Vol. 21, 63-82, hier 81.
„The relationship between a foundation and what it founds is quite different from a symbolic representation and that which is symbolized. In foundational logic there is a necessary, determining relation between the founding agency and the founded entity; in symbolic representation, on the other hand, no such internal motivation exists and the chain of equivalent signifieds can be extended indefinitely. The former is a relation of delimitation and determination, i.e., fixation. The latter is an open-ended horizon.
It is the contraposition between foundation and horizon that I think enables us to understand the change in the ontological status of emancipatory discourses and, in general, of metanarratives, in the transition from modernity to postmodernity. A formation that is unified or totalized in relation to a horizon is a formation without foundation; it constitutes itself as a unity only as it delimits itself from that which it negates. The discourses of equality and rights, for example, need not rely on a common human essence as their foundation; it suffices to posit an egalitarian logic whose limits of operation are given by the concrete argumentative practices existing in a society. A horizon, then, is an empty locus, a point in which society symbolizes its very groundlessness, in which concrete argumentative practices operate over a backdrop of radical freedom, of radical contingency.“
Butler, Judith/Laclau, Ernesto/Žižek, Slavoj: Kontingnez, Hegemonie, Universalität. Aktuelle Dialoge zur Linken. Hrsg. von Gerald Posselt und Sergei Seitz. Wien/Berlin: Turia + Kant 2013, 235.
„Mit Erstaunen lernen wir aus Butlers weiter oben zitierter Textstelle, dass es sich bei Sprache um etwas Vorsoziales handelt. Inwiefern ist sie vorsozial? Ist sie ein Geschenk des Himmels?“
Laclau, Ernesto: Emanzipation und Differenz, übers. von Oliver Marchart. Wien/Berlin: Turia + Kant 2013, 55.
"Das Universelle besitzt – wie wir gesehen haben – keinen konkreten Inhalt für sich selbst (welcher er in sich abschließen würde), sondern ist der immer zurückweichende Horizont, der aus der Ausweitung einer unbegrenzten Kette äquivalentieller Forderungen besteht.“